Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Trident why?

UN General Assembly’s First Committee voted to begin negotiations next year on a ground-breaking new treaty to ban all nuclear weapons, leading to their total elimination. Did you read or listen to this on any main stream media such as the BBC?  Neither did we, not a single word on any news program, I wonder why?

This follows the resent vote in the European Parliament to support such a treaty. The resolution was passed with a landslide of 123 votes in favour with just 38 (mostly by nuclear armed countries) against and 16 abstentions.

Those who voted against it included the UK, France, Russia and US whom used all the pressure and diplomacy at their disposal to influence the votes of those in favour of a yes vote to abstain or vote against the treaty

Since 2013 and 2014 three major intergovernmental conferences examining the humanitarian impact of nuclear weapons, which were held in Norway, Mexico and Austria. After the third and final conference, which took place in Vienna in December 2014, most governments had signalled their desire to ban nuclear weapons. 

Leading figures such as the Pope, the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and many other world figures are fully supportive of this initiative. In hope that in the future we may live in a world where we all live in peace.

An independent Scotland, without nuclear weapons, frees ourselves from the nuclear nightmare as there would be no Trident submarines in our waters or on our soil a nuclear weapons free Scotland.
So the big question is why with all this going on has the UK government voted to spend billions and billions on new nuclear weapons. When the terror threat to the UK comes from terrorist cells such as ISIS, and these weapons are useless against these sorts of threats.

Do the people who voted for a new trident nuclear weapons system have no brains or common sense, or are they just lining each other’s pockets at the tax payer’s expense.

“Scotland become An Independent Nation and free yourself from this madness”

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